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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Booking Through Thursday {10-16-08}

Okay–here was an interesting article by Christopher Schoppa in the Washington Post.

Avid readers know all too well how easy it is to acquire books — it’s the letting go that’s the difficult part. … During the past 20 years, in which books have played a significant role in both my personal and professional lives, I’ve certainly had my fair share of them (and some might say several others’ shares) in my library. Many were read and saved for posterity, others eventually, but still reluctantly, sent back out into the world.

But there is also a category of titles that I’ve clung to for years, as they survived numerous purges, frequent library donations and countless changes of residence. I’ve yet to read them, but am absolutely certain I will. And should. When, I’m not sure, as I’m constantly distracted by the recent, just published and soon to be published works.

So, the question is his: “What tomes are waiting patiently on your shelves?

I have several books that lived on my shelves for quite awhile. In no particular order here are some:
  • Twilight Eyes- Dean Koontz
  • Wish You Well- David Baldacci
  • Bag of Bones- Stephen King
  • This Loving Land- Dorothy Garlock
  • 1st to Die- James Patterson
I don't really know why these (and there 100 or so companions) are still sitting, waiting to be read. If I had to pinpoint just one reason I think it would have to be this: I get excited by the new books that I get (either through PaperBackSwap orders, borrowing them from my sil Jenn or my mom, etc) that the ones that have already been living on my shelves, just don't have the same appeal. I will read them - someday. =)


SmilingSally said...

Yes, we all sound alike: like children in a candy store, grabbing more than we can handle.

Kathleen said...

I definitely think you should make time for 1st to Die. I've read up to 4th of July and the series is awesome!

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